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ROOFPAC, the federally registered political action committee of NRCA, is dedicated to supporting pro-growth candidates for the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.

Why ROOFPAC matters

One of the most important actions you can take to positively influence decision-makers in Washington, D.C., is to invest in ROOFPAC, the only PAC dedicated to supporting the roofing industry's interests in Washington, D.C.

As NRCA engages with lawmakers and federal agency officials on legislation and regulations that affect your business, it is ROOFPAC that amplifies your message. ROOFPAC's role is to help protect you and your business from legislation and regulations that could harm your bottom line.

During the 2021-22 election cycle, ROOFPAC raised $424,000 with a success rate of 94% of the ROOFPAC-supported candidates on the Nov. 8, 2022, ballot winning their elections.

It is critical all NRCA members be invested in ROOFPAC at some level. NRCA encourages you to contribute whatever amount you believe is appropriate. Contributions to ROOFPAC must be from personal funds as federal law prohibits political action committees from accepting corporate contributions.

NRCA has been successful in ensuring passage of legislation on issues of importance to the roofing industry. The most recent accomplishments include holding Roofing Day in D.C., one of the largest advocacy events on Capitol Hill; securing increased funding for career and technical education; protecting provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017; providing H-2B visas for companies in need; passing procurement reform and energy-efficiency legislation into law; and providing relief during the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more about NRCA’s recent accomplishments.

Contribute to ROOFPAC


For more information, contact NRCA Director of Political Affairs Teri Dorn at or (202) 510-0920 or download the registration form to donate to ROOFPAC.

ROOFPAC is the federally registered political action committee of NRCA and contributions will be used for political purposes. Contributions to ROOFPAC are not tax-deductible, and the name, address, occupation and employer's name of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 during a calendar year will be reported to the Federal Election Commission. Contributions are voluntary, and you have the right to refuse to contribute without any reprisal.

ROOFPAC supporters

Members of NRCA's Political Insiders Council (contributing $5,000), Capitol Hill Club (contributing $1,000) and Emerging Leaders Club (contributing $250) receive specific benefits and recognition for their outstanding support of ROOFPAC.

Contributing $250

Emerging Leaders Club

Show your support today! Join ROOFPAC’s Emerging Leaders Club to be recognized by name on NRCA’s website and receive exclusive ROOFPAC swag.

Contributing $1,000

Capitol Hill Club

Help NRCA advocate for your roofing business and join the Capitol Hill Club. Members receive complimentary attendance to two ROOFPAC receptions of their choice, recognition on NRCA’s website and more.

Contributing $5,000

Political Insiders Council

Direct $1,000 of ROOFPAC funds to a candidate or Congress member of your choice and receive complimentary attendance to ROOFPAC events and the opportunity to speak with members of Congress. Join us!


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