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NRCA is a strong advocate for the roofing industry in Washington, D.C.

NRCA successfully communicates the views of the roofing industry to policy makers in Washington, D.C., about legislative and regulatory issues of importance. Recent highlights and accomplishments from NRCA’s government relations activities include:

  • Roofing Day in D.C. 2024 was successful in bringing together the entire roofing industry to speak with “one voice” on Capitol Hill. With nearly 250 registered attendees from 39 states and Washington, D.C., this event ranks in the top advocacy events in Washington, D.C.
  • NRCA advocated for increased funding for Perkins Career and Technical Education State Grants, and Congress approved $10 million in additional funding for fiscal year 2024, bringing the total to more than $1.4 billion annually for Perkins CTE Grants.
  • NRCA has worked for years to pass a bill to make the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act program easier for employers to use and more effective. In 2024, A Stronger Workforce for America Act, which provides necessary reforms to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, passed by a wide margin in the House.
  • In 2023, NRCA arranged for members to testify as official Small Entity Representatives regarding the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s proposed standard for Heat Injury and Illness Prevention, providing specific input regarding potential effects on roofing industry practices with the goal of preventing future burdensome requirements.
  • NRCA worked with lawmakers to secure passage of legislation to provide additional visas for the H-2B seasonal guest worker program, allowing more NRCA members to address their seasonal labor needs.
  • NRCA successfully worked with coalition partners to oppose the classification of PVC as a hazardous waste by the Environmental Protection Agency.
  • NRCA worked with coalition allies to successfully repeal the Health Insurance Tax that was authorized by the Affordable Care Act in 2010 and added to the cost of health insurance premiums for all employers and individuals with fully insured coverage.
  • NRCA protected tax provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, which include allowing qualifying taxpayers to immediately expense the cost of nonresidential roof improvements under Section 179 of the tax code and lower tax rates for all taxpayers, including those operating as corporations and as pass-through entities.
  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, NRCA worked with allied associations to successfully advocate for the classification of roofing as an essential business at both the federal and state level.
  • NRCA advocated for extension and improvement of the Paycheck Protection Program to ensure that all roofing industry employers have the tools to navigate the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. These efforts included successfully advocating for employers with PPP loans to deduct from their tax liability expenses paid for with loans that are forgiven.
  • NRCA advocated for the Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act, legislation to promote energy efficiency in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings, and major portions of the bill became law in 2020.
  • NRCA advocated for the Construction Consensus Procurement Improvement Act, legislation to prohibit the use of reverse auctions for construction services procured by the federal government, and this legislation became law in 2020.
  • Chairman of the Board Nick Sabino testified on behalf of NRCA at the House Committee on Small Business in May 2019 in support of immigration reform that meets the workforce needs of the roofing industry, garnering bipartisan praise from lawmakers and building support for NRCA’s priorities.
  • ROOFPAC, NRCA’s political action committee, was highly active in supporting pro-growth candidates in the 2021-22 election cycle, raising a record $424,000 with a success rate of 94% of the candidates supported by ROOFPAC on the Nov. 8, 2022, ballot winning their elections. ROOFPAC is crucial to establishing and maintaining relationships with members of Congress to advance the industry’s policy agenda in Washington, D.C.



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