The TRAC Architectural Metal Installation Package now is available!
NRCA Workforce Recruitment

Recruitment Tools

Take advantage of these members-only resources to recruit, onboard and train your employees. The materials help you explain opportunities for roofing industry career development through skilled training, safety and technological advances, and earnings potential available across all sectors of the industry.

Additionally, NRCA’s is geared toward potential workers and provides training, job descriptions, wage information and other career development information. Use its online job bank to find prospective employees for a wide variety of roofing positions—free—as a benefit of NRCA membership.

NRCA Roofing Recruitment Toolkit

Recruitment Toolkit

Getting in front of potential workers is important. View resources to help you communicate with students, parents, guidance counselors and CTE schools regarding the benefits of a roofing career.

View Toolkit

Additional Resources

  • SkillsUSA
  • ACTE
  • U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
  • Hard-Hat Heroes
  • National Women in Roofing

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