The TRAC Architectural Metal Installation Package now is available!

You already select highly rated roof systems and materials. Now, take it one step further and ensure NRCA PROCertified® workers are installing the materials.

NRCA PROCertified workers have had their installation skills and roofing knowledge independently verified. These accomplished installers are dedicated to quality, safety and productivity and can add an extra level of professionalism to your projects.

Add NRCA PROCertified installers and foremen as a requirement to job specifications. Request the specification language.

Find a company with NRCA PROCertified workers in your area!

Verify an installer is certified

Questions? Contact NRCA.

We need people on our projects who approach their roofing work as a true profession. PROCertification means installers and their companies are paying attention to details and taking their roles seriously. We are glad to recommend PROCertified crews to our clients.

Ron Harriman, president Benchmark Inc., Cedar Rapids, Iowa

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