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Fluctuating moments on tall buildings produced by wind loading

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Wind loading on a 1:384 scale model of a building 666 feet high was studied experimentally in a thick-boundary layer wind tunnel. Measurements of mean velocity and turbulence intensity upstream of the model building verified that the wind tunnel flow was an adequate simulation of atmospheric-surface-layer flow over an urban area. Mean pressure distributions and local pressure fluctuations were measured for a variety of upstream roughness conditions and wind directions. Use of a high-frequency response pressure measuring system permitted rms and peak values of the local pressure fluctuations to be determined at numerous points on the building surface. Emphasis was placed on direct measurement of mean and fluctuating overturning moments by means of a strain-gage dynamometer. A stiff model U/Dn<1, was used to obtain moments due to wind action alone. Peak values of the moment fluctuations were found to have a magnitude of plus or minus 34 percent of the mean moment. Root-mean-square values of the moment fluctuations were also determined in an effort to relate the moment fluctuations to the measured pressure fluctuations.
J E Cermak; W Z Sadeh; G Hsi
boundary layer; pressure fluctuations; instrumentation; overturning moments; wind tunnel modeling; wind load

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