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In cold climates, inside insulation often is added to improve the thermal performance of old building structures that have high U-factors when compared to the current requirements of building practice. The objectives of this research are to analyze the moisture performance of such structures under Finnish weather conditions. In practice, it is likely that there are air leakage routes at the interfaces of the old structure and the new insulation layer. Temperature differnce may cause a natural air convection loop so that the indoor air enters the structure at the top, cools down while flowing down along the interface, and finally flows back to the indoor air space through the bottom joint of the additional insulation. Depending on the airflow rate, temperture conditions, and indoor air humidity, there may be hygroscopic moisture accumulation or even condensation conditions in the structure.
In cold climates, inside insulation often is added to improve the thermal performance of old building structures that have high U-factors when compared to the current requirements of building practice. The objectives of this research are to analyze the moisture performance of such structures under Finnish weather conditions. In practice, it is likely that there are air leakage routes at the interfaces of the old structure and the new insulation layer. Temperature differnce may cause a natural air convection loop so that the indoor air enters the structure at the top, cools down while flowing down along the interface, and finally flows back to the indoor air space through the bottom joint of the additional insulation. Depending on the airflow rate, temperture conditions, and indoor air humidity, there may be hygroscopic moisture accumulation or even condensation conditions in the structure.
T Ojanen; C Simonson
T Ojanen; C Simonson
convective moisture accumulation; inside insulation; moisture performance; temperature difference; hygrocscopic moisture
convective moisture accumulation; inside insulation; moisture performance; temperature difference; hygrocscopic moisture