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Are ballasted roof systems cool?

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It is well known that the mass of a ballasted roof can reduce peak roof temperatures and delay the heat flow into a building. However, ballasted roofs do not meet the requirements set out by the EPA and other organizations regareding being "cool roofs." To address whether ballasted roofing systems offer similar energy efficiency benefits as cool roofs, a project to perform side-by-side experiments was initiated. Three different weighting of ballasted roofs were installed next ot a paver system and black andwhite membranes. Data collection included continuous monitoring of temperatues, heat flows, and weather conditions as well as periodic verification of the surface properties (solar reflectance and infrared emittance). These data are needed to determine what impact a ballasted roof has on heat flow into a building and on roof surface temperature. Furthermore, comparisons between the ballasted and unballasted membranes will allow for an assessment of whether ballated systems perform as well as white membranes.
A Desjarlais; T Petrie; W Miller
ballasted system; cool roof; temperature

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