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The durability planning matrix: A useful tool for achieving sustainable building envelope

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Green building assessment tools such as LEED provide a method to measure the “greenness” of buildings and key building envelope systems in order to help building designers make effective decisions regarding long-term building sustainability. However, because these assessment tools are usually employed during the early phases of the building process, they tend to place more emphasis on initial design rather than the long-term building life-cycle. As a result, current rating systems may fail to properly consider durability, life-cycle cost, and the potential consequences of premature deterioration as critical factors in assuring long-term building sustainability. This paper will address the importance of designing for durability, and how durability should be defined, measured, and incorporated into the building process. Specifically, the paper will discuss defining, measuring, planning, and operating for durability. The paper will present a durability planning matrix, a useful and practical planning tool that can be employed by building designers, consultants, owners, and managers to achieve truly sustainable building envelope design and operations.
James Hoff; Ed Kane
durability planning matrix; sustainble building; LEED; green building

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