In the TV game show “Password,” which originally aired from 1961-75, a segment referred to as the lightning round addressed multiple questions and answers in a defined time. In 2023, NBC reintroduced “Password” with Jimmy Fallon as its host. But this month, I am your host for a roofing-specific lightning round. Until the early 2000s, SBS polymer-modified bitumen cap sheets commonly were installed using mop-applied hot asphalt, but the method often resulted in reports of membrane blistering. In January 1998, NRCA issued an interim report notifying its members of the blistering issue and offering interim recommendations. In the April 2000 and May 2000 issues of Professional Roofing, I reported about NRCA’s blistering research and offered blister-mitigation guidance.
In the TV game show “Password,” which originally aired from 1961-75, a segment referred to as the lightning round addressed multiple questions and answers in a defined time. In 2023, NBC reintroduced “Password” with Jimmy Fallon as its host. But this month, I am your host for a roofing-specific lightning round. Until the early 2000s, SBS polymer-modified bitumen cap sheets commonly were installed using mop-applied hot asphalt, but the method often resulted in reports of membrane blistering. In January 1998, NRCA issued an interim report notifying its members of the blistering issue and offering interim recommendations. In the April 2000 and May 2000 issues of Professional Roofing, I reported about NRCA’s blistering research and offered blister-mitigation guidance.
Mark Graham
Mark Graham
hot; asphalt; lightning
hot; asphalt; lightning