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Wind roof calculator on internet (wind-RCI) Feel the wind on your laptop

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Wind effects on roofs is a complex phenomenon. Poor wind design is one of the common factors in roofing failures. RICOWI's wind investigation program on Hurricanes charley & Katrina also confirmed this and challenged designers to develop proper roof wind design tools. To address this issue, the National Research Council of Canada developed a web-based roof wind design calculator. It is named Wind-RCI (Wind-Roof Calculator on Internet). Wind-RCI can minimize possible mis-interpretations of code language. Calculation of cover wind uplift design loads is a function of various parameters, such as roof type, slope, wind speed, building height, roof area, building terrain, building type, and openings. As such, it involves several procedural steps. Wind-RCI integrates thesse procedural steps into a simple Web-based calculator. Demonstrating the viability and flexibility of the wind-RCI is the objective of this paper.
A Baskaran; S Molleti; H Yes
wind effect; wind calculator; wind-RCI

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