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Using parameter estimatino to analyze building envelope thermal performance

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Field measurements on building envelope components are useful when installed thermal performance can differ from design performance. This difference can result from effects such as material degradation, water intrusion or improper installation. For evaulation of tests on real roofs under actual conditions, there is a need for an accurate and reliable analysis technique to extract information from field data. The purpose of this paper is to describe the computer program PROPOR, based on parameter estimation techniques, which can be useed onfield data. PROPOR is applied to two dimple situations to validate its reliability, flexibility and versatility: one is an idealized thermal problem that has an analytic soluation; and, the other is a test of a fully instrumented test section under carefully controlled conditions in the Large Scale Climate Simulator at ORNL. PROPOR assumes that heat flow is one dimensional and involves heat conduction only. Layered systems can be accommoated. The outputs are the apparent thermal conductivity and the product of density x specific heat, both as functions of temperature if desired. Subroutines are also used that indicate the expected convergence of results (sensitivity coefficients), that examine the correctness of the initial model (residual analysis) and that provide an estimate of the precision of results (confidence intervals).
J Beck; T Petrie; G Courville
heat flux; parameter; building envelope; thermal performance; field measurements; material degradation; PROPOR

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