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Daytime infrared roof inspections

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Infrared thermography is a proven technology that has been used for years to locate areas of wet insulation, thus aiding roof consultants and building owners. This broad scanning technique has advantages over other methods int hat it is non-destructive, non-intrusive, and presents a live visualization of the wet areas. The most commonly used standard to conduct these inspection is ASTM C1153, "Standard Practice for Locating Wet Insulation Using Infrared Imaging." This standard only addresses inspections of roofs at night. This paper will discuss the techniques under which these inspections may be performed during the day, both from inside the building and on the rooftop. Case histories will be presented as well as a matrix of the required roof material and environmental conditions. These daytime inspections offer the same sensitivity as those at night, but are done with an additional margin of safety, as the potential for trips and falls is reduced.
Ronald Lucier
infrared thermography; wet insulation

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