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Breathable roofing underlayments for use in steep-slope applications

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One potential area of concern in the building industry is the adequate removal of moist air from attic spaces. Without proper ventilation, the risk of condensation of moist air traveling through the ceiling can become significant. As construction practices change and more attic area is used as living space, the need for proper ventilation will become even more critical. Ventilation at the eaves and ridge vents has typically been used to minimize this problem, but the effectiveness of this solution can be severly limited if the ducts become partially blocked. One potential solution is the use of breathable films as underlayment. Breathable films are currently being used as housewraps to control the water vapor permeation through the walls of a home. While these films typically have not been used in the United States as roofing underlayments, they have been a part of European construction practices for some time. This paper focuses on the attributes of breathable films and the potential advantages of their use as underlayments.
David Bland; Christopher Faust
breathable film underlayment; steep slope; ventilation; condensation; ridge vent; eave vent

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