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Interim report on Project 4847 standards for Built Up Roofs

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This report gives the results of field studies of 101 low-pitched mineral-surfaced, asphalt and coal-tar pitch built-up roofs in the Western, Mid-Western and Eastern states, and of laboratory studies of 14 asphalts furnished by roofing manufacturers as representative of materials sold by them for the construction of dead-level, mineral-surfaced, built-up roofs. Three samples of coal-tar pitch, furnished by two producers as representing Eastern and Western production of one and Eastern production of the other, were included in some of the laboratory studies. Although this was primarily a study of asphalts intended for use in the construction of low-pitched, mineral-surfaced, built-up roofs, it was considered essential for proper evaluation to compare the behavior of asphalt and coal-tar pitch roofs in the field and to compare the results of laboratory tests on representative samples of asphalt and coal-tar pitch where such tests were applicable to both materials.
William Cullen; L Kleinschmidt; H Snoke
field studies of built up roof; physical characteristics; water absorption tests; asphalt specification; chemical

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