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Developing ground snow loads for New Hampshire

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Becaue of New Hampshire's hilly landscape, mapped values of ground snow load are not available for much of the area. We conducted snow loads case studies to establish ground snow loads for a specific elevation in each of the 140 towns where no values are currently available. That work was done by three researchers and three structural engineers practicing in New Hampshire. While our methods of analysis varied somewhat, our results were comparable and the feedback we received from each other was quite valuable. We then established an elevation correction factor to transfer our snow load answers to other elevations in each town. We did not do case studies for the 102 towns in New Hampshire where mapped values are avaiable. We are now planning to do that, as we believe that case studies improve snow load design criteria. We suggest that similar studies be conducted for other places in the United States.
Wayne Tobiasson; James Buska; Alan Greatorex
ground snow load; New Hampshire;

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