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Simple green: Roof maintenance as a component of life cycle assessments

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The goal of life cycle assessment (LCA) is to move beyond the traditional costing model to a relative ranking of alternatives that incorporates all salient facets of the creation, installation, operation, and disposal of these alternatives so the products selected and systems constructed from these products take full advantage of the utility of available resources while minimizing the impacts to the environment. Studies of LCA for roofing systems have resulted in a wide range of expectancies indicating the multiplicity of factors affecting the outcome: detail of design, care and oversight during construction, quality of materials, harshness of climate and level of maintenance. The use of preventive maintenance (before there is a problem) vs. reactionary maintenance (after the problem) can also make the difference between large expenses (labor, material, loss of building use) and the impact on the environment (disposal and replacement of existing material, energy loss). This study demonstrates that a structural proactive maintenance program is an essential component of system performance. Further, as the LEED rating system continues to become a principal driver for building construction and furthers the incorporation of LCA into operations and maintenance manuals and rating systems, more importance will be placed on a verifiable and sustained record of roof system performance, which will also require that the planning and implementation of a proactive roof maintenance program be considered. As LCA relates to roofing systems, there is still much to be learned and analyzed before any definitive claims can be made in regards to the value of all roofing systems. Most likely what will be learned will mirror what is already known in that there is no one perfect roof system; each one has merits and shortcomings that must be objectively weighed against the specific parameters required of a given application.
Quinn Ferrall
green roofing; maintenance; life cycle assessment

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