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The selection of building systems by a decision process using climatological, engineernig and economic data

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The selection of a roof system by a decision maker often is based on either past experience with the performance of a specific roof system under the service conditions in his or her area or on the results of simulated service tests conducted in the laboratory. Frequently, these sources of information are not available, especially in the case of new products or innovations in the building systems. The building industry in general, as well as those involved with military construction, could profit by having a criterion or criteria to assist in the selection of the more economical building systems that will perform adequately under service requirements. The ojbect of this report is to propose a simple model to provide a logical and systematic approach to the selection of a building system based on a scientific method. An attempt has been made to verify the model by deductively processing currently available economic, climatic and engineering information to obtain an indicator that will assist in the selection of one or two asphalt shingle roof systems. Further, an attempt has been made to extrapolate present and past information into the future in order to provide a basis for the selection of a system.
William Cullen
climatological data; engineering data; economic data; asphalt roofing systems

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