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Perkins Act: Workforce Development Funding May Be Available!
Workforce Recruitement

Sample Letter On Your Letterhead


City/State Zip

Dear XXX:

Our company is interested in participating in career and technical educational programs authorized by the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (also known as Perkins V). This law was passed by Congress in 2018 and expands opportunities for employers to partner with CTE institutions in programs designed to meet future workforce needs.

Currently, our company’s biggest challenge is finding skilled workers to fill existing positions needed to keep up with consumer demand. In fact, the problem of workforce shortages is reaching crisis proportions despite the great opportunities for stable, family-sustaining careers available in the roofing industry.

Our company is interested in partnering with educational institutions to develop effective CTE programs under Perkins V and other federal and state laws to help meet our workforce needs. This includes getting involved in Perkins V state planning and local needs assessment processes that will determine the nature of future programs and available funding.

Please direct me to the state and/or local agencies and officials our company can contact to determine how we can become involved in the Perkins V implementation process and how they can help address our workforce needs.

Thank you for your consideration; we look forward to working with you and others in your agency to implement effective CTE programs.


Name of company representative
City, State

To download an editable Word document of the template letter, click here.

Additional Resources

Click here to find your state official.

Additional information about the Perkins Act can be found here.


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