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NRCA Membership Terms and Conditions
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NRCA Membership Terms and Conditions

As an NRCA member, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions of NRCA membership as set forth below. NRCA may change its membership terms and conditions at any time without notice, and each member’s continued participation in NRCA shall be considered acceptance of such changes.

An NRCA membership term is 12 months. Companies and individuals can purchase consecutive terms when payment is received at the start of the initial term. The term of membership is based on the anniversary date of joining NRCA (joining NRCA in April means your membership will expire at the end of April the following year.) You also can elect an auto-renew option where your dues will renew automatically every year.

NRCA membership may be granted to any company, corporation, individual or other entity that:

  • Meets the criteria set forth for the appropriate NRCA membership category
  • Shares interest in and supports the purposes of NRCA
  • Abides by NRCA’s bylaws, Pledge of Professionalism, membership terms and conditions, and other policies, rules and regulations NRCA adopts
  • Meets additional criteria for the appropriate NRCA membership category as established by NRCA’s board of directors and/or Executive Committee

Applicants for NRCA membership must submit a complete and accurate membership application along with the appropriate dues payment. Applicants must provide accurate contact information and select the appropriate membership category based on the company’s or individual’s role in the roofing industry and, in some cases, annual sales volume. Applications will be approved by NRCA, and qualified applicants will become members upon notice from NRCA.


An established roofing, roof system, roof deck and/or waterproofing contractor actively engaged in the application of roofing materials, roof systems, waterproofing, roof decks and/or related sheet metal defined as an Active NRCA member.


Architect, Engineer and Consultant—Firm: A company or firm that specializes in roofing-related architectural, engineering and/or consulting matters

Architect, Engineer and Consultant—Individual: An individual who specializes in roofing-related architectural, engineering and/or consulting matters

Distributor: A company that distributes roofing products and/or equipment for the roofing industry

Manufacturer: A manufacturer of roofing materials and/or equipment for the roofing industry

Manufacturer's Rep: An independent sales rep who works on behalf of the roofing industry

Membresia En Español: A roofing, roof system, roof deck and/or waterproofing contractor, subcontractor labor business owner or laborer actively engaged in the application of roofing materials, roof systems, waterproofing, roof decks and/or related sheet metal.

One Voice: Designated by the Board with rights and privileges of an Active member as an individual, company, corporation, or other entity engaged in the manufacturing and/or supplying of materials, equipment, and/or services used by the Active members or any firm or individual engaged in the design, specification, and/or inspection of roofs, roof decks, and roof systems.

Raw Material Provider: A company that provides the raw material(s) for a specific roof system(s), equipment and/or other roofing-related product(s)

Rooftop Photovoltaic Material Manufacturer or Utility:  A photovoltaic system manufacturer or utility company that arranges for power purchase agreements using rooftops to collect energy

Rooftop Photovoltaic System Service Provider: A company involved with rooftop photovoltaic systems, including inverter and control manufacturers, integrators and others

Service Provider: A company that provides roofing-related products or services, such as software products, insurance policies, website opportunities and/or any other roofing-related services.

Industrial and Institutional

School boards, colleges and universities; state, county and city government agencies; corporate maintenance or construction departments

International Categories

Companies located outside the U.S. or its possessions with international operations and/or sales

International categories as described above include:

  • Contractor
  • Manufacturer
  • Distributor
  • Service Provider
  • Architect, Engineer or Consultant Firm
  • Architect, Engineer or Consultant Individual

Active Membership

Any established roofing, roof deck, roof system and/or waterproofing contractor located in the U.S. or its possessions actively engaged in the application of roofing materials, roof systems, waterproofing, roof decks and/or related sheet metal may be granted Active Membership in NRCA. Each company, corporation or other entity granted Active Membership in NRCA shall file with NRCA’s CEO the name of the individual selected to be the entity’s NRCA representative with the authority to vote and hold office on the entity’s behalf. Upon the acceptance of any Affiliated Group, the chief staff executive of such group will have the privilege of one vote, and he or she will be considered an Active Member provided he or she is not otherwise eligible to hold an active membership in NRCA.

Honorary Membership

Honorary membership in NRCA may be granted by a majority vote of NRCA’s Executive Committee for such time and with such privileges as the Executive Committee determines.

Associate Membership

Any individual, company, corporation or other entity engaged in the manufacturing and/or supplying of materials, equipment and/or services used by the Active Membership of NRCA, or any firm or individual engaged in the design, specification and/or inspection of roofs, roof decks and roof systems may be granted Associate Membership in NRCA. NRCA’s board of directors or its designee(s) may, from time to time, establish various categories of Associate Membership, as well as the dues, benefits, privileges and obligations of such categories. Each company, corporation, individual or other entity granted Associate Membership in NRCA shall file with NRCA’s CEO the name of the individual selected to be the NRCA representative with the authority to vote.

Industrial/Institutional Membership

Firms or institutions that employ the services of active members of NRCA and wish to be associated with NRCA can become industrial/institutional members. Dues, benefits, privileges and obligations of industrial/institutional members will be determined by NRCA’s board of directors and/or Executive Committee.

International Membership

Companies, corporations, individuals or other entities engaged in the roofing industry outside the U.S. and its possessions that would otherwise qualify for active membership in NRCA can become International members. Dues, benefits, privileges and obligations of international members shall be determined by NRCA’s board of directors and/or Executive Committee.

All members shall be entitled to attend the member meetings and social functions of NRCA. Only Active, International and certain categories of Associate members (as determined by the Board) may serve on committees (subject to the approval of the Chairman of Board), vote for the election of Directors (in accordance with Article IX), hold office in NRCA, and serve on the Board of Directors (collectively referred to herein as the “voting members”). Each eligible voting member (or its representative, as applicable) shall have one (1) vote on all matters submitted to the voting members. Notwithstanding the foregoing or anything set forth herein to the contrary, no member of NRCA shall have the right to vote, without limitation, on the amendment of NRCA’s Articles of Incorporation or bylaws or the merger or dissolution of NRCA.

NRCA membership dues vary by a company’s or individual’s category of membership and are based on either the annual sales volume of roofing-related revenue or specific dues rate for the appropriate membership category. Members can pay dues with a single dues payment, a monthly recurring dues option or a quarterly recurring dues option. Members also can renew their dues through NRCA’s automatic renewal option.

Members can pay by check, Automated Clearing House or preauthorize renewal payments for annual membership dues using a credit card in one of three ways:

  1. Full Payment by Check or ACH Terms:
    Pay the current annual NRCA membership dues in a single payment. No additional dues payments are required for the year. Prior to your membership anniversary, a renewal invoice will be sent unless your membership has previously been canceled or terminated.
  2. Full Payment by Credit Card or ACH Terms:
    Pay the current annual NRCA membership dues in a single payment. Your membership renewal will be billed one year later and each following year at the applicable NRCA dues rate. If automatic renewal is chosen, NRCA will apply the same form of payment used at the time you joined for the next year’s renewal (and so on).
  3. Monthly or Quarterly Payment by Credit Card or ACH Terms:
    Pay the annual membership dues amount in either 12 monthly installment payments or four quarterly installments; by doing so, you are committing to a 12-month NRCA membership. Payments will recur every 30 days or quarterly thereafter. Some membership categories may be ineligible for installments. Renewal payments will continue on the same schedule on your renewal date and any future renewal date at the applicable NRCA dues rate with the same form of payment used at the time you joined NRCA or on your most recent dues renewal date.

Choosing option 2 or 3 and selecting an automatic renewal option will opt you in for preauthorized automatic renewal dues payments. NRCA will provide an email acknowledgment of the transaction. Once a payment has been processed, NRCA will send an acknowledgement showing how payment has been applied. Please print and retain a copy of this automatic renewal authorization for your records.

NRCA will notify you before implementing any change to the terms of the automatic dues membership renewal by sending a notification email, including the updated automatic membership renewal terms, cancellation policy and contact information to cancel.

A 3.5% credit card surcharge will be applied to the membership fee due less any applied discount(s) at the time of checkout. Monthly or quarterly recurring selections also will incur a 3.5% credit card surcharge to each recurring payment scheduled for processing until dues are paid in full.

In the case of a check or ACH returned as nonsufficient funds, NRCA will make an attempt to communicate with you to select an alternative payment arrangement. A nonsufficient funds fee of $30 will be added to the outstanding balance due.

If you cancel your membership prior to one year, the remaining prorated dues amount will be due—and processed—immediately. To cancel your membership or change your automatic annual membership renewal or preauthorized installment payments of NRCA membership dues, you must contact NRCA at (800) 323-9545 or at least 10 days prior to the anniversary renewal date and specify the service(s) you wish to cancel.

Dues to NRCA are not deductible as a charitable contribution but are deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense. However, a portion of dues is not deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense to the extent that NRCA engages in lobbying. The nondeductible portion of dues attributable to this provision currently is 6.5%.

Members will be adequately alerted should dues become delinquent and termination of NRCA membership is being considered. Active membership will end after 60 days of non-payment or withdrawal from active industry participation.

Failure to comply with NRCA’s terms and conditions may result in the suspension or termination of your NRCA membership; such suspension or termination will be determined by the sole and absolute discretion of NRCA. NRCA has the right to terminate membership upon an affirmative vote of the Executive Committee to the extent allowed by applicable law. Additionally, NRCA may pursue legal action and/or equitable remedies.

NRCA respects the privacy of members and treats their personal and financial information as confidential. NRCA will not disclose any information specific to a member company without prior written permission or authorization.

The NRCA member logo features the NRCA shield and membership designation. This designation is reserved exclusively for members in good standing. If your membership has lapsed, use of the logo on any public listings, materials, websites, contracts, marketing materials, etc., is prohibited.

NRCA Bonus Bucks are provided to new and renewing members and can be used to purchase publications, online educational programs and other NRCA Bookstore items. Bonus Bucks for the following membership categories are applied to the company’s account once membership dues are paid in full.

Contractor: $200
Architect/Engineer/Consultant Firm: $200
Industrial/Institutional: $200
Associate: $100 (All categories except Manufacturer’s Rep)

Primary account holders can click on My Bonus Bucks under account links in their NRCA online profiles to view their current available balances. NRCA Bonus Bucks expire one year after they have been applied to a company’s account.

NRCA’s Pledge of Professionalism calls on members to hold themselves to the highest professional standards.

As an NRCA member, I pledge to:

  • Provide customers proof of a permanent place of business, including street address, phone number, tax identification number and, where appropriate, a business license
  • Exhibit professionalism, quality workmanship and readily offer customer references
  • Commit to worker education and safety, including complying with OSHA, EPA, DOT, etc., regulations
  • Honor contracts to the best of my company’s ability
  • Stand behind my company’s work, offering warranties and/or guaranties, where appropriate
  • Make recommendations to customers about increasing energy efficiency, where appropriate
  • For contractors:
    • Provide liability and worker’s compensation insurance coverage for each roofing job
    • Provide detailed written proposals, descriptions of the work to be performed, start and completion dates, and payment policies and procedures
    • Provide properly maintained and clean job sites
    • Identify the roofing manufacturers with whom my company has licensed or approved applicator agreements

By agreeing to NRCA’s membership terms and conditions, you acknowledge and agree to this pledge.

By agreeing to NRCA membership terms and conditions, you agree to receive NRCA's electronic newsletter, NRCA E-News, and email communications from NRCA. NRCA E-News and NRCA's email communications may contain limited commercial messages.

By providing a phone number, you expressly authorize and consent to receive calls and messages, including automated messages, from NRCA. Agreeing to NRCA’s membership terms and conditions serves as authorization for NRCA to use the designated preferred contact phone number to provide relevant information.

You may revoke your consent and “opt out” of receiving future communications by simply contacting NRCA Customer Service.

Waiver. Each Peer Networking Member (hereinafter “Peer Member”) agrees to waive any and all claims or causes of action it has or may have against the National Roofing Contractors Association, its board of directors, Executive Committee officers, directors, chairmen, employees, affiliates, agents and other NRCA members (collectively “NRCA”) arising out of the Peer to Peer Members’ voluntary participation in the NRCA Peer Networking Program (“Program”).

Indemnification. Each Peer to Peer Member agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend NRCA from and for all claims and causes of action brought by any third party arising out of or in connection with the relationship, services, participation and/or advice obtained by or through participation in the NRCA Peer Networking Program, including any attorney's fees, costs and expenses, to the maximum extent of the law.

Non-endorsement. NRCA does not endorse or approve of any opinions, advice or counsel offered or provided between Peer to Peer Members in relation to the Program. NRCA bears no responsibility and shall not be liable for the information, accuracy or legality provided by any Peer to Peer Member. Each Peer to Peer Member knows, understands and agrees that the Program is being provided to Peer to Peer Members as a convenience and for informational purposes only. Any such participation in the Program is voluntary.

The NRCA Membership Referral Program is an exclusive benefit for contractor members. Other membership categories are ineligible to participate.

The Membership Referral program is not applicable for recruiting architects, engineers, consultants, manufacturing sales representatives, students, Membresia en Español, international contractor memberships or any memberships with dues less than $1,500 USD.

Discounts related to the Membership Referral Program will be applied to the subsequent year’s renewal invoice but shall not exceed the total value of membership dues. Members on an installment plan will see a discount applied and divided across the monthly or quarterly payment schedule.

Click here to download and print the NRCA Membership Terms and Conditions in its entirety.


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