Becoming a One Voice member indicates your company’s dedication to advancing the roofing industry. You will be supporting essential industry initiatives through NRCA and forging connections with like-minded roofing professionals and influential peers. Together, as industry leaders and stakeholders, One Voice members have the power to shape the roofing industry's future and drive meaningful change.
Critical Issues
NRCA's One Voice initiative is a collaborative effort among roofing stakeholders to take a unified approach to addressing the industry's most critical issues:
- Addressing workforce shortage challenges and creating career paths for roofing workers
- Advocating for legislative reforms in Washington, D.C., to drive significant, industrywide advancements
- Collaborating with building codes and insurance industries to develop policies that benefit the roofing industry
- Fostering opportunities for enhanced sustainability and resiliency in roofing practices
- Elevating the professionalism and visibility of the roofing industry through strategic initiatives
- Prioritizing safety and mental health to ensure the well-being of all workers
- Boosting engagement by offering more resources and support to the Spanish-speaking roofing community
For more information, contact Brad Martz, NRCA’s director of sales, at or (847) 493-7574.
NRCA One Voice Members
NRCA thanks the following One Voice member partners for their vision and commitment to uniting the industry and helping to lead the way to its continued success.