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WSRA Underlayment Testing And Research Project
Western States Roofing Contractors Association
Underlayment types; underlayment testing and research.
After receiving reports describing problems with different types of steep-slope roofing underlayment materials over the last few years, and more recently some reported issues with a couple of different types of synthetic underlayments, WSRCA's Steep-Slope Committee launched an underlayment research and testing project on behalf of its Members. This study, to research the various types ofunderlayments and their published physical compositions and published performance properties, began during 2013, and continued into 2014. The research then progressed to subject a select group of materials to a series of laboratory tests, followed by on-roof weathering and examinations, and followup testing. Testing commenced during 2015, with initial laboratory characterization often (10) as-new underlayment materials, then on to full-scale on-roof weather and exposure testing. This integral testing gave rise to more research, and concluding laboratory testing of the as-weathered materials, all of which is scheduled to be completed during late Summer or early Fall2016.

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