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News June 21, 2023

SkillsUSA national competition includes roofing for the first time

In 2022, one of NRCA’s initiatives was to help SkillsUSA, an organization whose mission is to prepare and empower students for careers in the trades, to incorporate roofing into its national construction skills competition.

NRCA is proud to announce the SkillsUSA competition, which is being held this week during SkillsUSA’s National Leadership & Skills Conference in Atlanta, includes roofing for the first time.

SkillsUSA is deeply ingrained in trades education in all 50 states and serves more than 330,000 students and instructors annually. The National Leadership & Skills Conference is the ultimate recognition of excellence in career and technical education. The event brings together thousands of students, instructors, business partners and administrators to celebrate the accomplishments of individuals preparing for careers in trade, technical and skilled service occupations, and is an opportunity for students to showcase their talents and skills on the national level.


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