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News Sept. 14, 2023

Simple steps to help prevent falls

Falls are the leading cause of fatalities in construction, but simple steps can help ensure you are safe on the job site.

Safety+Health magazine shares the following tips to keep in mind regarding fall prevention.

  • Before starting work, ask yourself: Is a fall-prevention plan in place? Are you trained in and using proper fall-protection equipment? Are fall-prevention systems such as guardrails in place?
  • Be aware. Look out for possible hazards, including spills or obstacles blocking a walkway.
  • Address the hazards—do not assume someone else will do it. Safety is everyone’s responsibility. If you see a hazard, report it.
  • Always keep safety top of mind. Follow safe practices, including walking carefully, watching where you are going and wearing proper footwear.

NRCA’s classes, webinars and products offer information to ensure you can keep your employees safe on job sites. For more information, visit NRCA’s bookstore and course catalog or contact Rich Trewyn, NRCA’s director of risk education and training, at (847) 493-7575 or


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