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News June 18, 2024

Roofing Alliance is accepting MVP award entries

The Roofing Alliance is accepting entries for its Most Valuable Player Awards Program. The deadline for entries is Sept. 27.

MVP Awards formally recognize outstanding roofing workers who achieve work-related and personal goals to which others aspire. Workers employed by a Roofing Alliance member or an NRCA member roofing contracting, distributor or manufacturer firm are eligible. From roofing contracting firms, any roofing field worker, foreman or superintendent can be nominated, and from distributor and manufacturer firms, any warehouse employee, warehouse foreman, driver or equipment operator can be nominated.

Nominations are based on significant contributions in two categories: outstanding performance and leadership and outstanding community involvement. Each category is judged separately, and individuals can be nominated for one or both categories.

MVP Award winners will receive two complimentary coach airfare tickets and three nights’ hotel accommodations during NRCA’s 138th Annual Convention Feb. 19-21, 2025, in San Antonio. Each winner also will receive two complimentary SuperPass registrations to the 2025 International Roofing Expo,® two complimentary tickets to the NRCA Industry Awards Ceremony and Cocktail Reception and a $100 American Express gift card. Winners will be formally recognized during the NRCA Awards Ceremony and Cocktail Reception Feb. 20, 2025, in San Antonio.

One MVP Award winner will be chosen as Professional Roofing’s Best of the Best. Co-sponsored by Professional Roofing and OMG Roofing Products Inc., Agawam, Mass., the recognition will include a special prize and feature article in Professional Roofing.

All MVP Award winners will be recognized in Professional Roofing and on the Roofing Alliance’s website, Winners also will be the focus of press releases sent to local and national media and industry trade press.

View more information or submit an entry form. You also can contact Nicole Christodoulou, manager of the Roofing Alliance, at (800) 323-9545, ext. 7529 or


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