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News April 8, 2020

Register now for NRCA’s COVID-19 Telephone Town Hall!

Register now to participate in NRCA’s COVID-19 Telephone Town Hall Tuesday, April 14, at 4:20 p.m. EDT to learn about the latest developments regarding COVID-19 as it relates to the roofing industry.

NRCA’s telephone town hall will feature NRCA experts to answer your questions, as well as roofing contractors who will share best practices regarding navigating the COVID-19 crisis.

Panelists include:

  • NRCA CEO Reid Ribble, moderator
  • NRCA Vice President of Enterprise Risk Management Tom Shanahan
  • NRCA Vice President of Government Relations Duane Musser
  • Doug Duncan, Nations Roof LLC, Villa Park, Ill.
  • Bryan Karel, Garlock-French Roofing Corp., Minneapolis
  • Kyle Thomas, Thomas Roofing Co. Inc., Mobile, Ala.

Register now for NRCA’s COVID-19 Telephone Town Hall by providing your contact information, and you will receive a phone call at 4:20 p.m. EDT Tuesday, April 14. Please note: If you have previously filled out the form or participated in an earlier NRCA telephone town hall, you do not need to sign up again; you will receive a call when the town hall is about to begin.

We look forward to your participation in NRCA’s telephone town hall!


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