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News Feb. 2, 2021

Register for NRCA’s February webinars

NRCA will offer webinars in February addressing topics such as liability risks for roofing contractors and electronic leak detection testing methods.

As part of its legal webinar series, NRCA will hold Emerging Technical Issues Posing Liability Risks to Roofing Contractors Feb. 12 at noon CST. During the webinar, Mark Graham, NRCA’s vice president of technical services, will provide an update regarding the latest technical developments posing liability risks to roofing contractors. Graham will address roofing-related changes in the 2021 International Building Code, recent manufacturer acquisitions, warranties and new ASTM International standards for synthetic underlayments, among other topics. Register now!

Electronic Leak Detection Testing, Standards, Science and Practical Applications will be held Feb. 24 at noon CST. During the webinar, Shaun Katz, sales manager for Detec Systems, Bellingham, Wash., will provide information about electronic leak detection testing methods used for quality assurance and review conductive mediums for roofing and waterproofing. Participants will learn about electronic leak detection testing methods used for quality assurance; identifying which roof and waterproofing assemblies can be quality control tested using advanced electronic leak detection methods rather than flood testing; and conductive medium options and proper placement within assemblies, among other things. Register now!


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