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News Sept. 19, 2018

OSHA seeks members for construction safety and health committee

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is accepting nominations for individuals to serve on the Advisory Committee on Construction Safety and Health, according to

The group advises the Secretary of Labor on developing standards and policies affecting the construction industry. OSHA is seeking 14 individuals with experience and expertise in construction-related safety and health issues, including:

  • Five members who are qualified by experience and affiliation to present the viewpoint of employers in the construction industry
  • Five members who are similarly qualified to present the viewpoint of employees in the construction industry
  • Two representatives of state safety and health agencies
  • Two public members qualified by knowledge and experience to make a useful contribution to the committee's work, such as those who have professional or technical experience and competence with occupational safety and health in the construction industry.

Nominations must be submitted to or by mail or fax before Nov. 16. For more information, view the Federal Register notice.


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