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News Dec. 17, 2024

OSHA finalizes rule regarding proper fit requirements for construction PPE

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has finalized a revision to the personal protective equipment standard for construction.

The revision adds specific language requiring employers to provide PPE that properly fits construction industry workers, according to OSHA. The change aligns the construction industry standard with the standard already in place for general industry.

Many types of PPE must be sized to fit a worker properly. Improperly sized PPE can be ineffective in protecting workers; create new hazards for workers, such as oversized gloves or protective clothing being caught in machinery; and discourage use because the PPE is uncomfortable or fits poorly. The matter has been a longtime concern, especially among some women and physically smaller or larger workers.

“I’ve talked to workers in construction, particularly women, who have spoken of personal protective equipment that didn’t fit or was simply unavailable at the job site in their size,” said Assistant Secretary for Occupational Safety and Health Doug Parker. “PPE must fit properly to work.”

The revised standard will take effect Jan. 13, 2025.


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