Join us for the Fall-protection Trainer Course for Roofing March 26-27.
News May 10, 2018

NRCA supports National Safety Stand-Down, offers videos of fall-prevention awareness seminar

In support of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA's) National Safety Stand-Down May 7-11, NRCA held a free live half-day fall-prevention awareness seminar May 8.

OSHA Region V Administrator Ken Atha kicked off the seminar, which addressed topics such as performing a job hazard analysis (JHA); discussing hazards and demonstrating controls associated with rescue and self-rescue of a fallen worker while suspended by his or her personal fall-arrest system; key fall-protection regulatory requirements; and case studies built from attendees' fall-related experiences.

NRCA has made available videos of the seminar broken into three sections: fall protection, rescue and JHAs. View the videos!


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