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News Jan. 22, 2018

NRCA releases statement applauding new expensing rules for roofs in new tax law

NRCA is pleased the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act expands the definition of qualified real property eligible for full expensing under Section 179 of the tax code to include improvements to nonresidential roofs. This is a major victory for NRCA, as it is the result of years of efforts to educate lawmakers regarding the economic benefits of improved tax treatment of roofs.

NRCA has released a statement that offers detailed information about Section 179 and the provision to add nonresidential roofs as qualifying property under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act signed into law Dec. 22, 2017. The statement also includes a link to a template letter NRCA members can send to customers to inform them of the news.

Click here to view NRCA's statement.


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