Join us for the Fall-protection Trainer Course for Roofing March 26-27.
News March 28, 2019

NRCA offers toolbox talks publication

NRCA Toolbox Talks is designed specifically for foremen and trainers to review an important safety lesson with their crews each week.

Each lesson is structured to allow for various presentation styles and includes the latest safety-training tips and key points to stimulate questions and discussion.

NRCA Toolbox Talks offers the support materials needed to implement hands-on training that will help you reinforce worker safety, comply with Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations and improve profitability.

Topics include equipment safety, fall protection, fire prevention, OSHA requirements, burns and hazard communication, among other topics.

A Spanish version of the publication also is available.

The member price for NRCA Toolbox Talks is $95, and the nonmember price is $195. Additionally, a free electronic version is available for members.

For more information, click here.


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