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News April 21, 2021

NRCA member helps students prepare for careers

NRCA member Commercial Roofers Inc.’s partnership with University of Nevada, Las Vegas, continues to make a difference in the lives of UNLV students, according to

William Scott Howard, who passed away in December 2020, was the owner of Commercial Roofers, Las Vegas, and a supporter of UNLV’s School of Architecture.

“Supporting the students of UNLV was a passion of my father’s and is embedded within our company culture,” said his daughter, Lindsay Howard, project manager at Commercial Roofers. “Construction education is important for the future of not just our students but our ever-evolving city of Las Vegas.”

Commercial Roofers’ partnership with the architecture school began with the creation of an annual scholarship in 1997 that has been renewed through 2030. Senior Emmanuel Muñoz received the Commercial Roofers Scholarship this year.

“I was honestly so surprised and grateful,” Muñoz said. “Without this scholarship, I wouldn’t have the finances, or the time, to handle the intense senior-year course load. It motivated me every day.”

Commercial Roofers has also been a key supporter of UNLV’s Solar Decathlon team. Students who are aspiring architects, engineers, business leaders, communicators and health providers collaborate to design and build a sustainable home to compete in an international collegiate competition sponsored by the Department of Energy.

This year’s entry offers a home of healing for veterans and people recovering from PTSD. Commercial Roofers donated materials for the roof and metal panels for the home’s exterior.

“We couldn’t get the project off the ground without the wholehearted support of community partners like the late Scott Howard and Commercial Roofers,” said Eric Weber, head of UNLV’s David G. Howryla Design+Build Studio.

“Commercial Roofers is privileged and proud to support UNLV and its students,” Lindsay Howard said. “With all the opportunities these students have to become involved in designing and building an iconic city such as Las Vegas, the sky is the limit.”


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