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News March 15, 2022

National Roofing Week 2022 will be June 5-11!

National Roofing Week 2022 will be held June 5-11 to raise awareness of the significance of roofs to every home and business and share the industry’s good deeds.

Organized by NRCA, National Roofing Week traditionally takes place during the first full week of June and promotes the importance of hiring a professional roofing contractor and making informed decisions about maintaining or replacing any roof system.

In celebration of National Roofing Week, NRCA will host the new 15 Seconds of Fame Raffle, sponsored by A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply. Open to all NRCA member companies, the raffle involves companies making a 15-second video about their company and submitting it to NRCA for a chance to win a prize.

NRCA also will be sharing its members’ stories through its various social media outlets and Professional Roofing magazine. Members throughout the U.S. are encouraged to share their stories of charitable giving, crew and staff appreciation, and signature roofing projects with NRCA.

Want to show support for National Roofing Week? Get your crews National Roofing Week T-shirts! Supplies are limited, so order soon!

For more information, visit the National Roofing Week page on NRCA’s website. Additional National Roofing Week materials will be available during the coming months.


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