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News July 18, 2024

How can you inspire more engagement from employees?

Many companies have increasingly been struggling with keeping employees engaged. It is crucial workers are committed to their companies’ goals and vision.

Inc. shares the following strategies for keeping employees engaged.

  1. Set the tone and use a democratic approach. Employees will feel more engaged and committed to doing their best work if leaders stand up and lead by example. An effective leadership style can be a democratic participative style while retaining final say.
  2. Express continuous, genuine praise. Praise is a powerful engagement motivator. Take the time to give genuine, specific feedback in front of peers.
  3. Find ways to keep talent current and relevant. Start with hiring people who are the right fit for your company’s culture. Once hired, be sure to offer mentoring and continuous training and provide growth opportunities.
  4. Move the vision from short-term to shared values. Employees are more present and committed to their work when they have a clear sense of purpose. Companies need a value-driven culture shared by employees, customers and shareholders.
  5. Be transparent and foster transparency at all levels. Trying to hide the truth at any level reduces trust. Demonstrating transparency builds trust and leads to more transparent employees.
  6. Show respect for employees and learn from them. When interacting with others in the workplace, it is important to find ways to connect and conquer differences. Learn from and listen to co-workers.

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