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News March 14, 2024

How can you build trust as a leader?

When employees trust their leaders, they are more likely to give their best effort and stay with a company. A Harvard Business Review study found employees at companies where trust is high report having 106% more energy in the office; 74% lower stress levels; 76% more engagement; and 50% higher productivity than those at low-trust companies.

Fast Company shares the following ways leaders can build trust and retain employees.

  • Be visible and accessible. A global study of almost 5,000 people by Oracle found when leaders were more visible and accessible, team members were more confident and performed better. People tend to trust those they see more often and know better. Available leaders also show they are attentive and support the team. Even if you cannot be there in person, you can regularly communicate with your team via email, phone calls and video calls.
  • Be responsive. A study by Sage Journals found when leaders were receptive to questions, replied to team members and made decisions efficiently, employees were more likely to believe leaders would be there when they were needed. Check in on how people are doing, answer their questions and see whether they need support.
  • Be consistent. Although leaders must be adaptable, people also want to work with leaders who are predictable, especially regarding their values, motivations and character. Researchers have found stress is reduced when bosses are more consistent.
  • Consider the types of trust. With “task trust,” people believe you will follow up, do what you say and complete tasks; with “relationship trust,” people trust you at a personal level to keep their confidences. The most rewarding and productive relationships tend to have both types of trust.

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