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News Aug. 3, 2021

Five strategies to help address the labor shortage

During the spring, the Department of Labor reported a record 9.3 million job openings, and construction companies continue to experience the challenges of a tight job market, according to

Following are five strategies to help address the labor shortage.

  1. Expand your criteria. If your ideal experienced candidate is difficult to find, be open to candidates with less experience who show a willingness to learn on the job.
  2. Look in-house. Before you post a job externally, consider whether any of your current employees have expressed interest in learning a new skill. It may be easier to promote from within for a more skilled job and then advertise externally for an entry-level position.
  3. Be flexible. Consider perks or benefits you have not offered before, such as a signing bonus, flexible work schedule or additional vacation time.
  4. Recruit where others are not. When everyone is targeting the same pool of workers, it makes sense to look elsewhere. For example, older workers often can be overlooked but bring experience and leadership skills to your company.
  5. Do a culture check. If your employees are leaving, it may be time to ask why. Find out where you need to improve to make your company attractive to existing and potential employees.

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