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News Sept. 8, 2022

Ensure your team knows their work has an impact

Leaders sometimes forget an effective way to motivate employees is to emphasize how their jobs help others.

Harvard Business Review recommends turning your team’s attention to one or more of the following groups their work may be serving every day.

  • Clients or customers. Collect testimonials to share with your team; invite customers or clients to speak at meetings; and keep a running list of real people positively affected by your products or services.
  • Colleagues. Encourage your team to discuss what the work environment would be like if everyone served each other the way they serve customers. This discussion can lead to a culture of encouragement, support and compassion.
  • Community. Let your team know about the opportunities available to serve the community and encourage and incentivize them to engage in those opportunities.
  • Loved ones. Your team’s work is an act of service to those they love—families they are supporting, people they are providing care for—and it can help to remind them of that, especially on difficult days.

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