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News Jan. 3, 2018

Construction fatalities increased in 2016

U.S. construction fatalities rose 6 percent in 2016, according to

On Dec. 19, 2017, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released a report that said fatal work injuries in 2016 increased 7 percent to a preliminary total of 5,190. Of the total private industry fatalities in 2016, 22.2 percent were construction fatalities.

In 2016, fatal injuries among construction trades workers increased 6 percent to reach 991 fatalities. Fatal work injuries to construction laborers—an occupation within construction trades workers—decreased from 15.6 percent to 15.1 percent. The fatal injury rate for roofing workers increased from 39.7 to 48.6.

In 2016, the Fatal Four—falls, being struck by objects, electrocutions and getting caught in or between objects—were responsible for 63.7 percent of all construction worker deaths. Falls accounted for 38.7 percent; struck by an object accounted for 9.4 percent; electrocutions accounted for 8.3 percent; and caught in or between objects accounted for 7.3 percent. The other leading cause of fatalities was transportation incidents, which accounted for 25 percent.

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