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News Sept. 26, 2023

Be sure you know how to use a nail gun safely

CPWR—The Center for Construction Research and Training reports some common causes of injury related to improper use of nail guns include unintended firing; holding down the contact trigger when the gun is not firm against the work surface; ricocheting or airborne nails; nails going through the work surface; and bypassing safety features, according to Safety+Health magazine.

CPWR offers the following tips to avoid injuries from nail guns.

  • Keep the nail gun pointed away from your body and other workers, especially when the air supply is connected.
  • Disconnect the compressed air if you leave a nail gun unattended, move to a new location with it, hand it off to a co-worker or are performing maintenance.
  • Do not reach up and attempt to use the nail gun in a spot you cannot fully see. If you cannot reach the work, use a hammer instead.
  • Wear personal protective equipment such as safety glasses marked with Z87+, hearing protection and steel-toed footwear.
  • Be sure you are trained regarding the safe use and handling of a nail gun.

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