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News Aug. 30, 2018

Anonymous donor will give one free roof to a veteran each year

The city of Hampton, Va., was notified by Langley Air Force Base that an anonymous donor wants to give a free roof to a veteran of his choosing, according to

Bruce Sturk, Hampton's director of federal facilities support, says the donor will give one roof per year on his birthday to a different veteran; the opportunity is open to all veterans in the Hampton Roads area.

Veterans simply must submit a statement explaining why they believe they deserve a new roof, and the donor will choose the recipient.

Sturk is overseeing the statements and said there have been four statements submitted so far. Because there are no official parameters, Sturk believes it could apply to any veteran in the Hampton Roads area—not confined to the city of Hampton specifically.

Sturk does not know who the donor is but believes he owns a roofing business.


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