The $1.9 billion Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas, which will become home to the National Football League’s Raiders, reportedly still is on track to be completed July 31 despite issues with its roof system installation, according to
Eric Grenz, vice president of operations for sports and entertainment at Minneapolis-based Mortenson, the official builder for the project, said installation of the cable net roof system was delayed and now will be completed in May rather than mid-March.
On Oct. 30, 2019, one of more than the 100 bolted connections on the circumferential compression ring formed by the steel canopy roof failed. The project team immediately stopped work to consult with engineering experts to help determine the cause and prevent the issue going forward.
“We took an abundance of caution to make sure the health and well-being of workers and the structural integrity of the building wasn’t compromised,” Grenz said. “We had extra time in the schedule, and we used it.”
Roofing work resumed Jan. 12, and Grenz said it is proceeding according to plan.
“Because of the oval shape of the roof, there is a demand capacity ratio that cannot be exceeded during the jacking operations of the cable net roof system,” Grenz said. “We had to go back and add more steps to some of those processes to ensure we had a uniform lift on the structure itself and make sure we’re not overstressing parts of it.”
The stadium’s roof includes a web of more than 100 stainless-steel cables that create a structural diaphragm and support the plastic ethylene tetrafluoroethylene roof system.
Grenz said the roof delay did not set back construction of any other parts of the stadium.