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News Sept. 20, 2018

2019 IRE announces keynote speaker

The International Roofing Expo (IRE) has announced the keynote speaker for 2019 is entrepreneur and author Jesse Itzler, who will kick off the 2019 IRE Feb. 11, 2019, at 9:30 a.m. at the Music City Center in Nashville, Tenn.

Itzler co-founded Marquis Jet, the largest private jet card company, and engineered the coconut-water craze by partnering with Zico, which then sold to Coca-Cola. He also is the owner of the NBA's Atlanta Hawks.

Itzler will share life and business lessons he learned living with a Navy Seal, which inspired his book Living with a Seal: 31 Days Training with the Toughest Man on the Planet, a New York Times Best Seller that shows the benefits of stepping out of your comfort zone. He will teach you how to get comfortable being uncomfortable—how to fight off complacency and dig deeper and go further than you ever thought possible.

"Jesse Itzler is a Renaissance man," says IRE Director Tracy Garcia, CEM. "He has done it all with a unique style all his own. Attendees and exhibitors will be entertained and inspired towards success in both personal and professional ventures."

The keynote is included free of charge in all registration packages, but advance registration is required. Online registration is available at


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